Managed to! Moving our warehouse after many adventures has been a success. From Thursday (08.08.) we are once again on ul. Szczecińska 19 . Dear customers, this means no more expeditions to collect goods to Bielany Wrocławskie. We are already operating at our full refurbished ASSMANN WAREHOUSE. Our office is still under renovation, but at the end of August we will be moving to renovated interiors. We can't wait.
At the same time, we apologize for any inconvenience that you had to endure during these four months after the fire of our headquarters. Today, we are even more motivated to act and improve our relationships. We also remind you of the OPEN DOOR WEEK IN ASSMANN on 30.09. - 04.10.
ASSMANN Distribution Sp. z o. o
Ul. Szczecińska 19
54-517 Wroclaw